Civil right
Business consulting, debt recovery, contracts, business acquisitions and disposals, commercial law, banking law, corporate law real rights, real estate transactions, family law, traffic accidents, leases, condominium
Criminal law
Defense of persons/companies/entities, suspects of the commission of crimes. Assistance and defense of victims of criminal conduct, including through the constitution of civil part.
The lawyers in charge of the case work in close coordination with colleagues specialized in the different areas of law involved (corporate law, banking and finance, tax law, labor law).
Administrative law
Assistance and consultancy in relations with Public Administrations. Representation and defense of clients before the organs of administrative justice.
Tax Law
Assistance and advice in tax disputes relating to corporate and commercial activities, individuals and real estate. Representation and defense of the taxpayer before administrative or jurisdictional bodies (tax commissions, ordinary and administrative courts) and assistance in procedures for the settlement of tax disputes (adhesion to the minutes of
dispute – PVC -, assessments with adhesion …).
Labor law
Assistance and consultancy in out-of-court proceedings and representation in litigation before the competent judicial bodies (individual and collective dismissals, wage recoveries and wage differences, managerial relations, duties, categories, qualifications, grading, company transfers and outsourcing, accidents, occupational diseases, self-employment, agents, representatives and various collaborators, credit recovery, social security…).